B2B website migration checklist


Amy Culham
Digital Marketing Manager

Redesigning your B2B website involves a critical step – website migration. To ensure a seamless transition from the old site to the new one, proper planning and execution are vital.

Our guide provides a handy checklist for B2B marketing managers, covering key points such as, website migration definition, migration steps, preparation, and risk management.

What is B2B website migration?

In simple terms, website migration refers to relocating a website from one design, platform, or domain to another. It involves making significant changes to the structure and content of a website to better align with business goals or accommodate new technologies. Elements like URL structure changes, content reorganisation, and transitioning from HTTP to HTTPS fall under website migration.

How do I migrate a website?

Migrating a B2B website can be done successfully with careful planning and execution. Here are the key steps:

  1. Set objectives: Clearly identify the reasons for the website migration and what you hope to achieve with the new website.
  2. Create a migration plan: Develop a detailed plan that includes a timeline, resource allocation, and specific tasks to be completed during the migration process.
  3. Involve IT wizards: Consult with technical experts in the form of web developers or external service providers for guidance with technical aspects.
  4. Conduct content audit: Review and audit all existing content on the current website and decide which ones will make it to the new site.
  5. Set up redirects: Put in place 301 redirects from old URLs to corresponding pages on the new website to preserve SEO value and avoid broken links.
  6. SEO continuity: Ensure that important SEO elements, such as meta tags, headings, and keyword optimisation, are maintained or improved during the migration process.
  7. Run tests & validate: Perform extensive checks on the new website to ensure that all pages, features, and functionalities are working correctly and delivering an optimal user experience.
  8. Notify search engines: Submit a sitemap with your new websites URL structure to search engines to aid indexing of pages.
  9. Observe post-migration performance: Monitor website performance, traffic, and keyword rankings after the migration to identify any issues and improve future outcomes.
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How do I prepare for website migration?

Preparation is key for a successful migration. Consider these steps:

  • Know your audience: Conduct market research to understand your target audience's preferences and needs, informing your decisions on the new site's design and functionality.
  • Content strategy: Develop a content strategy that aligns with your business goals and target audience. Decide what content will be migrated, what needs to be updated, and what new content should be created.
  • Keyword research: Identify the most relevant and high-performing keywords for your industry. Use this research to optimise your content during the migration process and improve SEO.
  • Be mobile friendly: Ensure your new website is responsive and optimised for mobile devices, for enhanced user experience and search rankings.
  • Backup data: Create a complete backup of all your website data, including files and databases, in case of any unexpected issues during migration.
  • Keep stakeholders posted: Keep all relevant stakeholders informed about the upcoming website migration. This includes internal teams, such as sales and customer support, as well as external partners and clients.

What are the risks of website migration?

B2B marketing pros need to be aware of potential hiccups that might arise during website migration and be prepared to manage them:

  1. Traffic and ranking drops: A poorly executed migration might result in reduced organic search traffic and dropped search engine rankings.
  2. Broken links & errors: Poor redirect setup can cause broken links and 404 errors, impacting user experience and SEO.
  3. Technical glitches: Server errors, website downtime, or malfunctioning features can occur during migration. Consistent testing and backup plans can minimise these risks.
  4. Data loss: In rare cases, data loss can occur if proper backups are not taken or if errors are made during the migration process.
  5. User confusion: Changes in design, navigation or functionality might confuse users – clear communication and user-friendly design help.

To ensure a successful website migration, it is important for B2B marketing managers and their website agency to approach the process with a detailed plan, engage technical experts, and continuously monitor and optimise the new website after the migration is complete.

By following this checklist and addressing these questions, B2B marketing managers can navigate the website migration process with confidence and minimise potential risks.

This article was updated on , filed under website design.

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